Well a whole month has passed since our little girl was born. How fast time goes. She coo's at us, and is starting to smile, it is so so cute and I can not wait for more things to happen. It is amazing how they can have their own personalities from that very first day, and you continue to see more of that personality as the time goes by. I love watching her as we go different places, her eyes are wide open and she just looks around excited to see new things already. Even when we go just a few steps outside our door to get the mail. She is growing, but still just barely fitting in some of her newborn outfits, she is now 7 pounds 11 ounces, but still long and skinny! She grows more and more beautiful everyday, and I fall more and more in love with her hourly! (Sorry these pictures are taken with my phone...finally got a new memory card for my camera though!!! So better pictures to come soon)
Alex and I were married August 18th, 2007. We had a little girl, McKelle Ryan, born July 13th, 2009. She was 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and 20 inches long. She is the love of our lives!