Saturday, November 14, 2009

4 month stats...

Weight: 12 pounds, 9 ounces
Length: 25.3 inches

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My heart took a picture.

On November 10th, 2001, my little one Bradley Kay was born. We had a lot of hope for this little guy, because up until the day I had him, we were told that this one was different then my other two, who were born with Potters Syndrome, a disease where you are unable to develop kidneys, and therefore lungs. On the morning of November 10th my water broke, that alone was different then both Joy and Kyle, but when we got there, they wanted to do one other ultrasound just in case, so that they would be prepared for any problems. So we did the ultrasound and it was then that we learned that everything had deteriorated, so what had been developing was no more. Even then I would not believe that anything was wrong. Soon enough it was time to have him, he of course was beautiful. But right away we all knew that he was not going to make it. I think of all of them often, but some days do hit harder. What a true true blessing McKelle is, I just love her so much! (Wonder if she knew her brothers and sister). Two and half hours after he was born, he took his last breath, and as he was slipping away, my heart took a picture.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Joy of Laughter!

McKelle started laughing a couple of weeks ago, and it is the most beautiful sound. It is like a song, that you never want to forget, and want to put on repeat!

Monday, November 2, 2009